Saturday, April 20, 2019

In Libbal Ad Subscribbel

The shield of the Uterati!

To learn what the Uterati are, you'll need to watch Gwen No Fear's latest Tea Girl stream here.

The motto also came from the episode, while she was goofing around, and a commenter asked if "libbel ad susbcribbel" was the motto of the Uterati.

So I snagged a suitably armigerous uterus from shutterstock and went to work with my mad MS Paint skills.

Yes. I'm a dork. This was fun!

All right, back to grading homeworks.

Monday, January 14, 2019

SJA #32 - Robocop & Anime

Today SomeRandomGeek and I chat about leftism, anarchism, RoboCop, and anime. The podcast is the abridged thirty minute version; the full hour is available on YouTube.