The Rant - The Parties Aren't the Same
There are two kinds of centrists and they both piss me off. The first are the right-wing douches like Carl Benjamin and Dave Rubin, assholes who are too afraid, dishonest, and/or pig-ignorant to realize they're right wing. Benjamin might just be that ignorant, but I'm convinced Rubin is just dishonest.
But it's the other group that's got me pissed off today; the group that says the two parties are the same so there's no point voting.
How fucking blind would you have to be to actually think that?! Setting aside the people who are just avoiding stating their opinions because they're afraid to stand up for their convictions, there are people who actually think this? Unless they're all just scared.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to sing the praises of the Democrats; they're beholden to corporate money, they're an entrenched interest run by the upper class... in a word, they're corrupt.
But come on! The Dems at least try! They know that racism, misogyny, and homophobia are wrong even if they're not willing to actually fight them! They at least have a wing of the party that forces them to care a little about people's suffering!
The Republicans though? They're assholes! An alliance of two kinds of villains! They're the KKK on the one hand and naked greed on the other! They're every movie and TV illain for the last 40 years, at least the ones without super powers. Hell, even a few of the ones with powers!
The Republican Party openly wants people to suffer and is actively working to destroy democracy around the globe! Some of them are only in it for profit, but the rest are doing it because of their sincerely held religious belief that some people are naturally inferior and/or evil and must suffer here on Earth before getting shipped off to hell to suffer for the rest of eternity!
The Democrats are terrified of change, they're run by short-sighted clowns who are very comfortable with the status quo and wish all those "identity" people would quit rocking the boat, but at least they recognize that some things are wrong and should probably change!
And there are a lot of really fucked up things that the Republicans do that the Democrats just don't!
Like preventing people from voting! Thuglicans have packed the courts with the sort of ideological assholes even they would accept 30 years ago, activists so naked in their hypocrisy that Bork would blush, and that's why the fascists can get away with purging voter rolls without notice and shutting down polling places in Democratic districts! And they're so goddamn willing to accept a victory, no matter the source, that they've stalled a bill meant to safeguard our elections from foreign interference! And all that's on top of the gerrymandering so frozen that judges are calling them on it! Democrats try, but they've got nothing on Confederates when it comes to gerrymandering.
And Democrats don't staff government with people fundamentally opposed to the duty of their office! No pacifists in the Department of Defense, no vegans overseeing the ranchers, no antivaxxers or "alternative med" quacks in the CDC. But the Thuglicans just can't seem to help it, they've got a whole army of Umbridges in the wings ready to dismantle the oversight that prevents their bullshit. Oil lobbyists in the EPA, fundamentalist home-schooler Devocs in Education, the guy who wants to dismantle Energy (Rick Perry, who didn't even know that Energy manages our nukes) in charge of Energy, and a fucking asbestos lobbyist who's in the process of legalizing fucking asbestos! Dems just don't do this Orwellian shit!
And taxes! Forget what the fascists say, Dems haven't put a new tax in place in decades, but they're not doing the Thuglican shit. They keep cutting taxes, but only for the wealthy! Meanwhile, they have to keep the budget balanced, so they shift the burden to everyone else! That's why the middle class is disappearing and the poor are getting poorer; the rich are paying less and less! The Dems just don't do that!
And they're not goddamn Nazis! How the fuck is anyone blind to this? How the fuck is anyone okay with this?! Every other year, literal actual Nazis keep voting, campaigning, and running as Republicans! I'm not just talking about Trump and his "very fine people"! I'm talking about open, uniformed Nazis on the ballot as Republicans in 2018! I'm talking about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who framed a journalist for attempted murder and opened actual concentration in the desert! Sheriff Joe Arpaio who was convicted of contempt of court and pardoned by Trump, who went ahead and opened his own concentration camps! FOR CHILDREN.
I'm talking about Nazis in the goddamn White House! Like Steve Bannon, who told the holocaust-denying far-right party in France that "history is on our side", who courted the same alt-right that marched and murdered in Charlottesville, who Trump called "very fine people", the Steve Bannon whose rag of a newspaper likes to bracket some names with little globes so their readers know they're talking about evil, globalist Jeeews.
I'm talking about Donald fucking Trump! The Democrats didn't elect Trump! TWICE. The Democrats aren't supporting him, aren't protecting him, aren't propping up his shit agenda and policies. The Republicans are the ones still showing up at his goddamn rallies, still kissing the ring of that piece of shit racist, misogynist, transphobic, anti-semitic, rapist thief!
The Dems are a conservative, right-wing party, but they're not Republicans, not by a long shot. Anyone who says the two parties are the same is either dangerously ignorant or a pitifully slack-jawed liar. Either way, don't trust them with anything sharp or heavy.
- Rant: The Parties Aren't the Same - 01:03
- Preventing people from voting
- Putting Umbridge in charge of Hogwarts
- Regressive taxation
- Literal nazis in the party
- Very fine people
- Nazis running for office
- Steve Bannon
- Donald Trump
- News
- Kavanaugh is even worse than you thought. He's a eugenecist, a slaver, a nazi. He's a Republican. - 06:05
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- John McCain is
dyingdead, still scum - 14:08 - Amoral is the best you can hope for - 16:25
- Lindsey Graham, still a coward - 18:00
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